Senin, 06 September 2010
Chapter I
Clinical psychology is one field of applied psychology other than Educational Psychology, Industrial Psychology, and others. Clinical Psychology uses concepts of Abnormal Psychology, Developmental Psychology, psychopathology and Personality Psychology, as well as the principles in assessment and intervention, in order to understand the issue with psychological issues, adjustment disorders and behavioral anormal.
Viewed from its scope, clinical psychology can be interpreted narrowly or widely. In a narrow, clinical psychology task is studying people abnormal or subnormal. The main tasks of clinical psychology is to use tests that are an integral part of a clinical examination is usually performed in a hospital. In a wider scope, clinical psychology is the field of psychology that discuss and learn the difficulties and emotional obstacles in humans, it does not look abnormal or subnormal. Clinical Psychology sustain the symptoms that can reduce the possibility of human beings to be happy. Happiness is closely related to the emotional life-sensitive and must be distinguished from the more satisfaction associated with facets of rational and intellectual (Yap Kie Hien, 1968).
Here, based on the coverage and some understanding of psychology experts, will talk about the development of clinical psychology from the beginning and end up in Indonesia. With a few good reference books or other reference on the science of clinical psychology is a branch of psychology, will formulate and discuss the problem of development of this clinical psychology.
Chapter II
Clinical Psychology is one kind of applied psychology which until now often questioned the meaning, position and role when compared to psychiatry. In the case of Clinical Psychology, psychology and even still there is not much to know. Even after use, in the 1530s, has shown clearly the existence of uncertainty about what exactly the material discussed in this psychology. Philip Melacthon which in the planning of psychology, stating that the substance or material is a combination of physiological psychology of the body, angels, demons, and God who appeared in behavioral symptoms. Complexity can be imagined, what is encountered in clinical psychology when psychology considered a science of such materials. Then, the functionalist psychology assumes that matter is mental or psychological functions, such as emotion and thought power.
In the 1920s appears that the existence of material Watson psychology based on the rules of science as objective, measurable and observable, is the behavior. Manjadi subsequent psychological development more complicated, because so many follow the development of philosophy, especially about human nature and methodology. Thus, in accordance with the development of clinical psychology psychology materials in general, is also facing the same problem, is the complexity of what actually read psychology: soul, spirit, mentality, behavior, experience, appreciation, and others.
Judging from history, most likely Psikoogi Clinical psychology is the discourse of the oldest and is a root of the discourse of psychology in general. However, judging from the position and function in relation to psychology as an independent branch of science is not the main pillars of Clinical Psychology psychology. Hence there is no basic rule of Clinical Psychology and a pedestal which supports the main principles of psychology in general. There contrary, the discourse of clinical psychology thrive based on the use of the rules of psychology.
The pillars which include psychology is a sub-sub-disciplines of psychology, namely the General Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology and Personality Study (more commonly known by the name of Psychology Keporibadian). In the basic understanding, Clinical Psikololgi m, erupakan science that apply or apply Abnormal Psychology as a foundation. Meanwhile, Abnormal Psychology is a "continuation" of the Study or Personality Psychology. However, as the science of psychology in general, which is the study of behavior and appreciation of one's experience. Clinical Psychology is also a study about a person's behavior. Clinical Psychology is also a study on the behavior of an individual is typically (particular individual).
Clinical psychology is based upon the opinion of Hippocrates, that every behavior, including pain symptoms, derived from the brain. Furthermore, what is meant by "brain" was expanded into the requirements, and specific to the behavior, the definition of "brain" is disubstitrusikan with "psyche" or "soul", "mental" or "mind".
Initially, Clinical Psychology is a field of applied studies and also concerning a small small part of psychology as a whole. Clinical Asamen, previously better known for diagnostic or psychological problems psikodiagnostika called, is an attempt to understand the symptoms related to problems experienced by children. Clinical Asament This is a major professional aktiitas praktikus undertaken by the Clinical Psychology, which was then kebanyakanterbatas in skills. A number of clinicians who conduct psychotherapy mioritas, performing under psychiatric supervision. Private practice are generally rare, in a consultation kegiatannyaterutama more psychological than actual Clinical Psychology. As for which is fixed concentration, is known more as a mental act as testers by or for other professions. The point is that the Clinical Psychologist receives a request for other professions, such as psychiatrists, psychologists and Organiasai Industry, teachers and other professionals to perform a mental test against their clients or patients.
Time interval between the years 1896 and 1946 are important years in Clinical Psychology. In that period, the practice of clinical psychology as well as discourse about discourse to dominate psychology in general. Merging the term "psychology" associated with the term "clinic" which means the place where people seek treatment, was first done by L. Witmer (Arieti, 1959 & Phares, 1993). From this merger can be seen that the applied field is grounded in two different disciplines ie, academic psychology and medicine. Clinical Psychology is a combination of Medical Psychology (which is the development of psychiatry), and "University Clinicss" founded by L. Witmer which is a further development of mental tests and experimental psychology, or psychology is often also called "academic", psychology as a science.
Lightner Witmer in 1896 founded the Psychological Clinic or "Psychologocal Clinic" the first at the University of Pennsylvania. Therefore, it is considered as the year 1896 the discovery of clinical psychology as a profession. In this clinical psychologist task is to examine children who have difficulty receiving the lesson. Clinical psychology at that time did not move seagai adan mops; ayanan for sick people or people who are experiencing adjustment disorder. At other universities, the establishment of such a psychological clinic kemusian emerging, such as clinical psychology developed by Carl E. Seashore at the University of Iowa. In the year 1914 has been listed 19 clinical psychology is built, and increased sharply in the year 1935 up to 87 clinical units (Louttit, 1939).
In 1946, before psychotherapy became a professional activity that remain for clinical psychologists. Since the 1970s, most clinical psychologists engaged in psychotherapy, while the activity or diagnostic assessment takes only 10% of the total time used in practice.
In practical activities, more clinical psychologists in general a bit like a psychologist from the pastor or persoalia manager or doctor. Among them is the same individual evaluations on time and on certain environmental devices. Its main task is to understand more deeply the individual as the foundation for handling the following specific purposes that have been designed.
Therefore, clinical psychology does not have basic medical education, the right of a clinical psychologist to provide psychotherapy sekiar years 1950-1980 are often disputed. The term psychotherapy can only be done by psikiaer. There fomal education is usually conducted at the university for the purpose of obtaining a degree, and there pendidikanpreaktik conducted in menujang nstitusi for specific skills associated with psychology and psychological asrsmen. For educational practice, which plays an important role is the professional organization.
Hien Yap Kie (1968) suggested some other term for "Clinical Psychology." These terms do not fully own a same meaning as each istilahmewakili flow varies. These terms are psychopathology, abnormal psychology, medical psychology, Pato psychology and the psychology of mental health.
As has been argued that clinical psychology include nasesmen, intervention and research. Steadiness overseas clinical psychology as a profession in the practice of clinical psychology is supported by a professional organization of clinical psychology, published a journal that includes studies in clinical psychology, and built to study clinical psychology program supported professional organizations and others.
In Indonesia alone educational psychology dipelopri by Slamet Iman Santoso. Education is expected to establish an institution capable of putting the right man in the right place, because at that time a lot of instances where people who are less competent occupy an important position so that made the wrong decision
Beginning from pendiodikan psychology conducted at institutions led by Teutelink psikoteknik who later became stiudy psychology program ever take shelter under brbagai faculty at the University of Indonesia. In Jakarta, the course was shaded philosophy faculty of arts; the eyes of children of statistics by the economics faculty, and courses advantage by the faculty of medicine.
Psychology studies program later in the year 1956-1960 to be majoring in psychology at the UI medical school. In 1960, psychology became an independent faculty in the UI (Somadikarta et. Al. 2000). Curriculum and program implementation study of psychology began before the year 1960, guided by experts who have an education doctoral (S3) and Doploma from the Netherlands and Germany. Liepokliem establish the clinical and psychotherapy department housed in the barracks I (RSCM). Hien Yap Kie establishing experimental psychology in Salemba section. Myra Sidharta establishing child guidance clinic. Moelyono lead agian Koestoer and vocational psychology and the company (now the industrial and organizational psychology) and then reinforced by ASMunandar. the social posikologi pioneered by Marat then led by Z. Joesoef. after the departure of Liepokliem to Australia, part of clinical psychology and psychotherapy changed its name to be part of clinical psychology and counseling, led by Yap Kie Hien (1960-1969). However due to a broad understanding of clinical psychology, then a part of clinical-counseling psychology changed again become part of clinical psychology.
Since 1992, academic education and professional education psychologists are separated to allow for psychology graduates go on to other areas of interest to them. Previously, the graduates of psychology is also the practice of educational psychologists for academic education combined. Since the year 20 200, a forum agreed that a prerequisite for professional education psychologists - in order to engage in the practice of psychology - is the level of S2, but it was just imposed on the UI only. This forum is composed of the dean-dean of the Faculty of Psychology - which has now reached 20 Faculty of Psychology and private - and organizations Indonesian Psychological Association (Himpsi).
Since 1994, a practicing psychologist - that provide psychological consultation, assessment or psikodiagnostik doing, and doing counseling and therapy - are required to have a Licensed Psychologist Practice. Permission was obtained after they had obtained a recommendation from oeganisasi profession - once Psychological Association, now Himpsi. Permits issued by the Department of Labor (1994-2000) and is planned to be issued by Himpsi own.
In Indonesia, the education specialist clinical psychology profession has not formally held, when in fact there's enough experienced experts in various fields such as clinical psychology behavior therapy, family therapy, counseling. The effort to open lines of professional education specialist, should be supported by professional organizations (ISPSI / HIMPSI) because the government - namely the Directorate of Higher Education Ministry. Naisonal education - academic education prefer the S1, S2, and S3.
Chapter III
Psychology of developments in the world and then expert opinions about psychology, and then on the development of Clinical Psychology in Indonesia. Outline can be drawn about the understanding of Clinical Psychology. Clinical psychology is one field of applied psychology other than Educational Psychology, Industrial Psychology, and others. Clinical Psychology uses concepts of abnormal psychology, developmental psychology, psychopathology and personality psychology, as well as the principles in assessment and intervention, in order to understand the psychological issues, adjustment disorders and behavioral anormal.
Then on the development of clinical psychology in Indonesia itself concluded that the development of Clinical Psychology in Indonesia is still in development stage and can also be said and yet still slumped forward. It is known that Indonesia's education specialist clinical psychology profession has not formally held, when in fact there's enough experienced experts in various fields such as clinical psychology behavior therapy, family therapy, counseling.
The things that need to be underlined that if we want to develop Clinical Psychology must attempt to open lines of professional education specialist, should be supported by professional organizations (ISPSI / HIMPSI) because the government - namely the Directorate of Higher Education Ministry. Naisonal education - academic education prefer the S1, S2, and S3. And such support can be more socialized to be able to attract scholars minal psychologists to continue on to the field of clinical psychology.
Wiramihardja, Prof.Dr.Sutardjo S. (2004). Psychology "Introduction to Clinical Psychology". Refika Aditama: Bandung
Slamet, Suprapti I.S-Sumarmo Markam. (2003). Introduction to Clinical Psychology. UI Press: Jakarta
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